Monday, 30 May 2011

"Photography to the amateur is recreation, to the professional it is work, and hard work too, no matter how pleasurable it my be." - 365 Project, Day 91

I finally have a black and white picture I am completely content with.  It took me a few days but I got one.  How many times can someone take a picture of something before they're happy with what they took?  I've seen tutorials and photoshoots and have seen how many shots of one subject can be taken.  (Indeed, I've been guilty of sameness-shooting myself.)  If on a tripod, why take more than one or two exposures, if the settings are correct?  I can understand shooting a lot at sports events and similar things, but why shoot the same subject in the same pose at the same angle over and over again?

Varying backgrounds and subjects and angles is acceptable.  I can see the use in that; that kind of repetition is one thing, but needless repetition is, well, needless.  I found myself shooting the same thing over and over again, trying to get the perfect framing, even though 99.3% of previous shots were exactly the same.  Is it really worth shifting your gaze a few second arcs of a degree to get the minimal change in composition?  Absolutely, it is!


His note: Two happy shoppers.


Her note: Went rollerblading along the Aviation Parkway today.


I finally found a black and white picture I'm happy with.  Maybe it's the subject matter, or the tones, or something else, but I like the way the repetition and the composition.  It's not really meant to mean anything to me.  I just wanted to go walk a nearby cemetery today.

Tomorrow will more than likely be a grind, so hopefully my picture will reflect that.

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