Monday, 9 May 2011

"8. You don't have to know beforehand what you captured on film. - 9. Afterwards either." - 365 Project, Day 70

The world is somewhat chaotic, it could be said.  Some people, from personal experience, are simply clueless.  They don't seem to know what's happening, or, for that matter (and all power to them), really care.  When you take a picture, there may be a general idea of what you want to take, but sometimes the feeling a picture provokes is not as important as what it actually captured.

When having fun with taking pictures, the aesthetic appeal of what ends up in that small screen seems to be more important, at times, than any sort of overall meaning the picture may have.  It's a sort of impressionistic view of photography.  There's nothing wrong with that, given how spontaneous and vivid lomography aims to be.

Today's pictures show talent in one way or another.  Except mine, because it's not even close to be being clear.


His note: A drawing I made of a co-worker before I retired.


Her note: Walking out of Walmart and saw the sun setting. Looked really pretty.


Given the lomography rule today, I'm hesitant to say what this photo is about.  I basically saw this couple in a park playing with their dog.  I took this picture here looking back at them.  They're on the bottom right of the picture.

Tomorrow should be another nice day and I'll be mostly free, apart from the time I spend sleeping so I should have some more diverse pictures.

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