Thursday, 5 May 2011

"4. Try the shot from the hip." - 365 Project, Day 66

Shooting from the hip can mean a few things.  Though the actual wording is different, the intent is the same.  The shot from the hip, as it's put, is to open yourself up to new possibilities.  Ellen Degeneres, when she was still doing stand-up, had a bit about how, as you age, your field of view becomes narrower and narrower, and that adults only look at things at eye-level.  Shooting from the hip destabilises your view and provides a different vantage.  This opens up the possibility of getting new shots of ordinary things and forces you do decentralise your old way of photographing things.

Shooting from the hip also means taking pictures without looking at the viewfinder, though not necessarily from that particular height.  Again, getting under or over something gives you the opportunity to create new shots of old things.  All this goes towards opening up your experience and world view.  It all goes towards breaking though the mold of standard rule-based photography.  Though lomography is a photographic movement, it can easily translate to different aspects of life.

Flower, family and booze.  They do have a certain chronology, though perhaps not in the order I mentioned.


His note: From my favorite scotch to my favorite bourbon. Honeys, I'm home!


Her note: Had no idea what to take a pic of today so I decided on flowers.


I tried a shot from the hip (well, a few of them, to be honest) and this is one I ended up with.  The vantage point is about three feet lower than what it usually would be, and it places the camera on the kids' level instead of the adults'.  Make of that what you will.

Tomorrow's post may or may not be short, and may or may not be late.  That is all.

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