Monday, 23 May 2011

"A photographer without a magazine behind him is like a farmer without fields." - 365 Project, Day 84

I would not say I completely concur with the title of today's post.  (Why did I choose it, then?  Why, I ask, not?)  I will be generous and, this being 2011, widen 'magazine' to include all manner of professional media.  The gentleman credited with penning this thought was, at one point in his career, a portrait and fashion photographer, and this may point the direction to the context of the sentence.

He is correct in the implication that all professional photographers do need some sort of outlet to have their work viewed.  If I hire a photographer for an event, I would like to see their prior work.  This is reasonable.  What he, in one fell swoop, exclude are every single amateur photographer in existence, and photography hobbyists.  The idea that there is a need for your work to be admired my countless people is utter balderdash, as long as you're content with your own work.  Having professional backing for your work, and others drooling over it does not invalidate the work of non-professionals and hobbyists.

Having said that, here are today's pictures that you can gawk at and admire.


His note: Holiday Monday.  Everything was closed.  It was noon and I was out of food so went to my friendly neighbourhood Subway.


Her note: Rent a bike downtown.

(Apparently, the seat was wet.)


Mandy, her boyfriend and I went for a walk today.  They fed some ducks and geese and other manner of winged creatures.  This is the best picture I took, but I wasn't able to have one of this particular duck just as he grabbed the piece of bread.  Other than that, I like the picture, which, by the way, was achieved with manual focus.  The ISO is 3200, but that's only because I wanted to freeze the action and it was pretty dark thanks to the thick clouds overhead.

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