Thursday, 11 August 2011

"A photograph is like the recipe - a memory the finished dish." - 365 Project, Day 164

I have a friend who started a food blog, so my picture is in homage to her.  Now, because I have a new toy, I took very little time to take this picture, and so it's not very good.  I will try to do a better job tomorrow, though I won't have a pomegranate, because this one won't be good anymore.  (Fun fact: this pomegranate was in my fridge for months and months, and I thought it had completely dried up, but it was fresh inside and pretty good.)

Food photography is tricky business.  In a studio, to get the picture as clear and detailed as possible, there needs to be bright lights.  However, food, being food, tends to wilt or look less crispy under a slight amount of heat.  To counteract that, usually the food is sprayed with oil or water to make them look fresh.  However, the liquid heats up fairly quickly under the lights.  It's generally planned pretty carefully and shot pretty quickly.  Many different meals/foods are also stored in fridges and brought out in succession if needed.

Here are today's pictures, of which mine is easily the worst.


His note: The first sunset I try to get this year and wouldn't you know my camera was in the car so had to use the BlackBerry.  Sorry about the bad quality.


Her note: One of my favorite books as a kid.

My picture

Not a very good picture, because I can't really lower the power of the flash.  I was pushing the camera setting anyway for speed, and I don't really have a diffuser.  Maybe it's time to invest in an external flash.

I have nothing to say about tomorrow.  'Nuff said.

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