Wednesday, 31 August 2011

"Luck is the attentive photographer’s best teacher." - 365 Project, Day 184

It's funny how things just happen.  This has been repeated a few times, and I shall repeat it anew, but the world provides you inspiration.  I was listening to a photography podcast, in which the guest is presently more a videographer than a photographer, and I come across a long strand of film on the ground.  It was strewn on the side of the street, and partly wrapped around a lamppost.  It's also not tape, it's actual 35mm film.

Now, what really irks me is that the movie eludes me.  It's either a Bollywood movie or a Hollywood-blacked Bollywood-style movie.  Regardless, I find it quite interesting that this day lined up in such a way.  As I've said before, inspiration comes if you look around.

For various reasons, Frank couldn't take a picture.  He sent one but I'm just checking something before I post it.  For now, it'll be Shannon and I.


Her note: Tonight's sky.

My picture

See story above.

I think I will enjoy tomorrow.

Tuesday, 30 August 2011

"Unlike any other visual image, a photograph is not a rendering, an imitation or an interpretation of its subject, but actually a trace of it. No painting or drawing, however naturalist, belongs to its subject in the way that a photograph does." - 365 Project, Day 183

I realised that the only time my cat really meows is when he wants something.  Today he was following a ladybug and when she was out of reach, he started meowing.  By the same token, I realised today I take a lot of pictures of skies.  They just look nice to me.  As a parody of that to myself, I took a reflection of the sky today.

Every photograph is a piece of reality that's kept forever (or until human civilisation blows itself up and all the photos with it), keeping some representation of what you liked, disliked, found interesting, found boring or wanted to otherwise remember.  It may not be the best way to represent reality, but it's one of the better ways to recall past events.

Here's what we'll remember in 2031.  Maybe.


His note: Large plant in front of a house.  It outgrew all other plants in the area.  Good for the grower!


Her note: Waiting for my dinner tonight.


I had three nice choices for my picture today, but decided to go a bit obtuse.  It caught my eye while walking to work.  Just the reflection of the sky in the mirror looked like an interesting (if artsy) picture.  I don't think it really means anything, it just looks nice.

PS.  One of the pictures on this blog ended up on Meebo.  Strange.  Also, in days, we're officially halfway through the project.  Good work, Frank and Shannon!

Monday, 29 August 2011

"The painter constructs, the photographer discloses." - 365 Project, Day 182

Paintings are art; there's a pretty strong consensus there.  I don't really know how many people would disagree with that statement.  Video games, on the other hand, are trying to define their artistic value.  It depends on who you ask.  Somewhere in the middle, is photography.

There are some shows in galleries that comprise of nothing but photography.  'The Next Best Artist' has had photographers in it.  A lot of photographs (my own contribution today exempted) can exert a certain power over people.  On the other hand, a lot of pictures are simple reminders of last night's not-so-lucid happenings. Though some of these could have a certain appeal, I doubt very much artistic appeal would apply to most of such shots.  I suppose, like most things in life, it depends on the intention.

Here are our contribution to he discussion of whether photography is art.


His note: A drawing exercise from a few years ago.  We had to bring an object to class and draw it.  This is my result.


Her note: Not as nice as last nights pic but this one still had some pink.

My picture

Again, a day where there's not much to do.  This is a painting Mandy did for me (or at least, part of the painting).  What happens when photography and painting collide?ote: Loved the look of the clouds.

I'm wondering what tomorrow will bring.  I guess I'll see tomorrow.

Sunday, 28 August 2011

"I have no fear of photography as long as it cannot be used in heaven and in hell." - 365 Project, Day 181

Any picture has the potential to be used to brighten someone's day or to make it worse.  It is amazing how much context can play a role in a photograph.  If you see a picture of someone with scraggy-looking clothes, you can be told they are homeless, or a model doing a particular shoot, and your reaction will be completely different.

What, then, if you don't have any information about a picture?  I suppose it comes down to your own view of life, and your biases will then show through, for better or for worse.  This, I suppose, mostly to picture where social relevance is attempted, and doesn't really apply if one just simply sees a picture of something simple and inoffensive, like that of, say, a cake.

Today was a day that, had I not been working, I would have ended up posting a picture of my cat, because there was nothing very much else to do, except stay inside, or, as was evidenced by my day, go to stores and spend money.  Here are the pictures.


His note: Won't need this fan pretty soon.


Her note: Didn't think I would have a pic,but then looked outside and saw the sunset.


Nice colours.  That's all I have to say.

I should have a day shot tomorrow, but I promise nothing.  Just come back tomorrow to see what I end up posting.

Saturday, 27 August 2011

"No good is ever done to society by the pictorial representation of its diseases." - 365 Project, Day 180

I find this quote particularly interesting, as photography, it seems, can be used to stir people into action.  Simple photographs can bring out emotions and get people to discuss important social issues.  It seems a bit strange to have a quote like this, but to be fair, this quote was said at photography's relative infancy, as its author, John Ruskin, died in 1900.

He was an art critic and painted in watercolour, and probably had a motive in defending paintings, but he undoubtedly would have to rethink his position if he saw the work of some of the better street photographers or photojournalists today.  One wonders (or, at least, I wonder) what he would think of the state of photography about a century after his death.

Here are today's unimportant pieces of digital celluloid.


His note: My favorite appliance this summer.


Her note: Didn't have much of a chance for a pic today, but I just saw these stripes on a blanket.


I was let out of my place and was able to roam free with a couple of friends.  This is them shopping at a farmer's market, along with a few other people (that I don't know), looking around at various good and wares.

I am so tired right now I don't even care I'm mentioning I'm tired.  Good night and I'll be here again tomorrow.

"If photography is allowed to stand in for art in some of its functions it will soon supplant or corrupt it completely thanks to the natural support it will find in the stupidity of the multitude." - 365 Project, Day 179

Apologies to those who follow my blog.  I was not home last night to post and didn't really spend any time in my place this morning, so this post had to be about a day late.


His note: Mao, Pat's mother's cat.


Her note: Was downtown today and walked passed the Unknown Soldier at he War Memorial.

My picture

I had a sunset(-ish) last night so I figured getting a sunrise would be a nice bookend.  I tend to like these types of shots, though if I had to take it again, I'd probably cross the street to get the picture from a different angle.  (I have about a dozen pictures from exactly the same position I've taken in the past few months.)

Don't really have a closing statement given I'm posting more pictures right after.

Thursday, 25 August 2011

"Giving a camera to Diane Arbus is like putting a live grenade in the hands of a child." - 365 Project, Day 178

Someone tweeted a question today.  That in itself is hardly unusual, though the question is pertinent for this blog: something to the effect of, what if Steve Jobs became a professional photographer?  though an interesting question, there may be a specific reason Mr. Jobs is more renown for his keen fashion sense (and, I suppose, his innovative design and hardware devices) than his photography.

Some people, though perhaps quite intelligent in their own right, may not have the best talent at visualising various objects in various formations.  Fashion sense is one thing, but it is somewhat unconnected to a photographic eye.   By the same token, I assume very few photographers are terrific businessmen and innovators.  We are all talented at certain things, and Mr. Jobs seems very good at wearing black turtle necks and jeans.

Here's where our talent lies.


His note: The street is close to the building I live in.  I like how the leaf cover seems to create a tunnel.


Her note: Looked like it was going to storm today, when I looked at this pic I noticed the sun rays.

My pic

I was taking pictures of the sidewalks down various streets and I got to this stretch and liked the way the shadow crept across the street and the sun reflected off the street at thee intersection.  It created a nice contrast in the picture.

Today was better than I thought, but we'll have to see about tomrorow.

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

"Anything more than 500 yds from the car just isn't photogenic." - 365 Project, Day 177

There's always something unexpected happening at any time here or there; always something of value and something worth photographing.  Today, I was (as I do on occasion) walking home and just noticed some broken cement square frames and that seemed interesting to me.  I have no idea why it looked interesting, but I had to take a picture of it.

It's strange what you'll notice if you look around.  Or even if you don't look around; I was just minding my own business when these shapes caught my eye.  It seemed appropriate.

Here are the other bits of randomness from today.


His note: Sure looks like the light standard is holding up the tree.


Her note: Was watching my niece create her picture with stickers.

My picture

This was from a construction site on the side of the road.  The shapes and textures seem fun.

I won't like tomorrow, I'll tell you that now.

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

"As I have practiced it, photography produces pleasure by simplicity. I see something special and show it to the camera. A picture is produced. The moment is held until someone sees it. Then it is theirs." - 365 Project, Day 176

Some pictures are simple, some pictures are not, but whatever the picture, it always has the power to capture something in you and never let go.  It doesn't matter what the subject matter is - a piece of vegetable, a grand vista showing a vast area, a simple portrait of a gripping face - anything can be powerful if shot at the right time and in the right way.

I'm not suggesting that any of my pictures are such powerful ones, but I hope to one day take one that enthralls and is enjoyed by at least a few people.  To do that, I have to press a few shutter buttons.

So, here is today's batch of pictures.


His note: Old bench near the entrance of my apartment building.  It gets well used.


Her note: I'm not use to seeing red fire hydrant.  They are always yellow.

My picture

There's something picturesque about having the sky blue like that, and the one lit tree in the distance, and the silhouetted trees in the foreground.

I'm a bit weary of tomorrow, but we'll see what ends up happening.

Monday, 22 August 2011

"Photography is only intuition, a perpetual interrogation – everything except a stage set." - 365 Project, Day 175

For a couple of reasons, this post will be very short today, but I'll make it up tomorrow.  Nothing serious - kind of silly, actually - but they make this post short.


His note: This is the side of a building built in the 1980s.  At that time it was a fashionable and cheap way to use concrete.


Her note: Hellllllllllo... I'm hungry .

My picture

I had a somewhat bland picture so I tried to spruce it up with a lot of recovery contrast and a bit of saturation.  It has a certain look, which I like, though it's not particularly realistic.

Tomorrow is next.

Sunday, 21 August 2011

"In photography there is a reality so subtle that it becomes more real than reality." - 365 Project, Day 174

When talking about different kinds of photography, infrared photography has to be included in the conversation.  It's a strange thing, when you hear that some cameras have been modified to be sensitive to that particular spectrum of light, and when converted to visible light, there's a very different look.  It ends up being black and white, though has a very particular shadings and doesn't look quite natural (for obvious reasons).

As far as practical purposes, I'm not quite sure why one would alter a $2500 camera simply to take infrared pictures, especially as a hobby.  The effect is far more artistic than anything else.  My picture today hasn't been manipulated to look infrared, I just liked the thick blacks of after desaturating it.  Other than that, take a look at some infrared pictures.

Pictures follow.


His note: 2 flash drives and Lypsyl.


Her note: Any guesses?

(I can guess.)


This was a decent picture in colour, but I really wanted to bring out the sky so I just boosted the contrast after changing it to black and white.  It looks interesting.

I like my picture today.  I hope my next one will be better, whether I think so or someone else.

Saturday, 20 August 2011

"A lot of photographers think that if they buy a better camera they’ll be able to take better photographs. A better camera won’t do a thing for you if you don’t have anything in your head or in your heart." - 365 Project, Day 173

I finally am trying to say something with my photography.  Now, though the message may or may not come through, the artistic value of my photograph is also pretty questionable.  The intention was, at least, there.  In my head, it makes sense.

It's something simple but it's a start.  I probably should have gotten closer, or used a bigger zoom lens to get focus the attention more to make the meaning a bit clearer, but this is the picture I took so I'll stick with it.

Here are the other pictures today.


His note: Love this time of year when you can get fresh locally grows veggies by the side of the road.  By the way, the tomatoes were so flavourful!


Her note: Went to the Curd Festival in St. Alberts today.


In this picture, there's a bunch of useless stuff left on the curb for the city/garbage truck to pick because it's not wanted anymore.  There's also an elderly person.

I should have a decent picture tomorrow as well, though I can't promise anything about the length of my blog post.

Friday, 19 August 2011

"Pictures, regardless of how they are created and recreated, are intended to be looked at. This brings to the forefront not the technology of imaging, which of course is important, but rather what we might call the eyenology (seeing)." - 365 Project, Day 173

I have a few shots that I really enjoy that are of addresses.  It sounds strange, but don't worry, it actually is pretty strange.  The opportunity for this address photography doesn't come up often given most addresses are fairly similar.  A few numbers on a house, and that's it.

Sometimes, there's something different, like (in my picture today) interesting shadows and lighting, or the numbers are skewed, fallen or broken, creating a certain effect.  In total, I only have about 3 or 4 of these types of shots, but with persistence, I suppose I could have 6 more in about 10 years.

Today's pictures!


His note: Sunset.


Her note: I totally agree with this.

(This reminds of The Simpsons episode where the family goes to stay at a beach house, and Lisa 'forgets' to pack her stuff in her suitcase, and Homer remarks her suitcase is light.  She suggests that maybe he's getting stronger, to which he replies, 'Well, I have been eating more.')

My picture

I just found this scene interesting with the semi-eerie light and the small white front of the house.  Some addresses I find quite interesting.  This is one of them.

Though I'm fairly happy with the picture I took today, I'm hoping to get a better picture tomorrow.

Thursday, 18 August 2011

" The sheer ease with which we can produce a superficial image often leads to creative disaster." - 365 Project, Day 171

The problem with photography is that it can only photography something so small before it becomes a problem.  You can get pretty small before you need any special instruments.  Light bouncing off a bug into your camera lens is not a problem, but what happens when you want to see a human cell?  Or a molecule?  Or an atom?

When it becomes nearly impossible to photograph something, you have to get imaginative thinking of ways to render something.  I remember reading a book on elementary particles (yeah, I'm a geek) and seeing the very first picture taken of an atom.  The book described how it was done: basically taking a very, very sensitive sensor and very slowly, and very carefully bouncing a laser (or electrical current) off the group of atoms to reflect to the sensor (or something along those lines).

The point is you can get the picture you want, it just might take a little bit of ingenuity.

Here's what we did today.


His note: The perfect job, driving this truck in this summer's hot and very humid weather.


Her note: Storm on its way out on the left and the sun returning.


Another one of these fake macro shots, this time of grass.  The depth of field is insanely thin, but I like the look it gives you.  The vignetting created by the process is also pretty nice-looking.

I'm not sure what I'll end up doing tomorrow.  I'm sure I'll find an idea somewhere.

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

"It is not altogether wrong to say that there is no such thing as a bad photograph -- only less interesting, less relevant, less mysterious ones." - 365 Project, Day 170

I always manage to find something interesting to shoot when I'm outside, regardless of where I am.  Either I get easily amused by simple things (which is quite possible), or there's always something interesting going on outside somewhere in the world (and, also, in my general vicinity).  Even walking down the same streets every day, there's still something happening.

A lot of the time, it may seem like you have to force the picture to come, but the world provides inspiration for you.  That's an interesting observation, I think.

Here was the inspiration for today.


His note: View of the produce section at Loblaws MacArthur.


Her note: Was on the bus today and looked up and saw an advertisement for Future Shop and it wasn't a normal advertisement.  This one was even on the ceiling of the bus.

My picture

This guy was walking in front of my and smoking up a dutchie.  I made all sort of weird stories about who this guy was, but chances are he was just this guy walking from his house to his buddy's house (or vice versa).

Tomorrow will have different inspiration.  Tune in to see what it is!

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

"If I knew how to take a good photograph, I'd do it every time." - 365 Project, Day 169

Let's pretend, for some slim moment, that one would be able to create stunning photography at will.  Wouldn't that, then, create a certain level of boredom in your cranium?  Every human body, it seems, seeks out some level of challenge - in order to avoid that boredom.  This is the general reason one does not play a game of basketball with a 6-year-old (unless, of course, one is 6 years old).

Assuming photography would be on the easy side, there would be nothing left to learn, nothing left to experience and nothing that one has not already photographed (and stunningly, at that).  Wouldn't that be a pointless pastime  without any new rewards?  Having said that, creating pretty pictures every time seems to have some sort of appeal.

Today's pictures definitely have an appeal.


His note: Pat drove me to Manotick today.  We stopped at a water park by the river and saw this boat.  Decided to get a shot of it through the weeds.


Her note: Tonight's sunset.

(The colours were quite intense and it made for a, well, intensely pretty sunset.)

My picture

Looking back, I should have taken a picture closer to the ground, though that angle might not show the dock the right way.  I'm happy with this picture for some reason.

I will not be taking any pictures of any river tomorrow, but I'll try to take a picture of water.

Monday, 15 August 2011

"Photography is, for me, a spontaneous impulse coming from an ever attentive eye which captures the moment and its eternity." - 365 Project, Day 168

Today was uninspiring all around, so I'm not going to force anything and simply post the pictures.


His note: A friend made this needlepoint "Blue Ribbon" angel for me.  I can't thank her enough.  Thanks Beth!


Her note: My ceiling fan.  Didn't have much to take a pic today.

My picture

I have no idea why but fireworks showed up on the horizon.  I believe there's a small fair in the parking lot of a baseball stadium that had used to house a semi-pro team.  They're probably from that.

Onto tomorrow.  Hopefully, it will be better.  If not, I'll do my best to make it better.