Wednesday 21 September 2011

"Photographs are a way of imprisoning reality...One can't possess reality, one can possess images--one can't possess the present but one can possess the past." - 365 Project, day 205

Some Canon cameras have a small little feature called Movie Digest.  In that mode, the camera constantly records something when it's on, and keeps a couple of seconds of video before every picture taken.  At the end of the day, the camera creates a mini-montage of all the clips it has saved.  Many of the features compact cameras have, I simply can't understand, though this one I enjoy, which is somewhat ironic given it's a movie feature on  stills camera.

I've many instances where I would have loved to have a video snapshot of a moment.  Nothing long or complex, just simple moments in life that one would remember, if it were in a montage of some kind.

Here's what we have today.


His note:


Her note: The zipper on my bag.


Tux has taken to wake me up way too early for human eyes again, and this is what I saw as I looked out my window.  It was very foggy, and for some reason the camera actually cut through some of the fog.  You'll excuse me for the framing, but, as I said, this was even before the sun decided to show itself, so I was slightly groggy.

I'm still not sure what to think of tomorrow.  Given what it looks like, I don't think I'll have much opportunity to take pictures (unless, of course, Tux wakes me up too early again).

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